4 Awesome Reasons Why Your Family Needs a Scrapbook


Never mind if you’re a family of two or you have little chicks under your wing, scrapbooking is fun, practical, and completely free in spirit and possibilities. This is a great way to bring the family together (and not just the nuclear one) and do an activity that brings the next four awesome things.

Joint Creative Activity

First of all, it is a huge source of possibilities and inspiration, for children especially. Just bring in all the colorful scraps, stickers, felt pens, glitter, sticky tapes in different designs, and most importantly, present the blank paper that should be decorated and filled. Knowing that you’re not limited with any particular look and that imagination is free to roam – the results may even surprise you too.

Of course, you can decorate your scrapbook without any indication, but you can follow a certain theme or a line of events. If you don’t feel ready to have messy but unique pages, then it would be best to visit some of the designing sites where you can get scrapbook ideas from. There will be an abundance of tried ideas and ways for you to choose and make sure that your scrapbook has an order and that it looks exactly as you want it.

Saving Memories and Making History

Memories aren’t completely accurate as they depend on our recollection of the events, so it’s better to save the stories – and there is no better way than a scrapbook. Albums tend to only save the pictures, but with scrapbooking, you can add memorabilia, line or quote, a short description of the event and decorate it accordingly to your feelings and remembrance.

This way, when you open it after a few years, you will instantly be reminded exactly how this event happened and how you felt about it. And not just about the situation, but the people, as well, as you can have everybody make a page of how they see and cherish a certain family member.

Learning to Organize and to Express

This is a great educational tool, as well. You can teach your children about color matching and their fusing, how to follow a pattern, enjoy the creative process in general, and how amazing teamwork is to accomplish and compose something beautiful.

Maybe they wouldn’t be pleased with how their idea or imagination looks on paper, but you need to encourage them to flip the page and try again, as that is one of the most important lessons about life too.

Saving Pictures

And lastly, one practical reason. If you have a lot of analog pictures taken over the years

or an old mobile phone that’s been crowded with pictures you never had time to go through and choose favorites to make – now is the perfect occasion.

You will be pleasantly surprised how something is forgotten and without a use, than to merely collect dust in an album or never to see a light of a day in phone memory, can have a new life, purpose of aesthetics and remembrance.

Scrapbooking is indeed one of the best ways to bring your family around the same table and the same idea and it is one of the best ways to spend quality quarantine time together. And, of course, you don’t have to limit yourself – make a couple of them, as long as there’s inspiration and need.



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