4 Things You Should Know About Driving in Bad Weather


It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to take a turn for the worse. Snow and ice can make driving treacherous, and it’s important to be prepared for the challenges they present. Here are four things you should know about driving in bad weather:

1) Accidents Happen More Often

You always hear about how the weather is responsible for more accidents than anything else. One of the main reasons for this is that visibility is reduced in bad weather, which can lead to drivers not seeing hazards on the road. Additionally, slippery roads can cause cars to skid and lose control. Road conditions can also be treacherous in bad weather, as snow and ice can make it difficult to drive properly. As seen at https://www.ckflaw.com/semi-truck-accident-lawyer/driving-bad-weather/, truck drivers need to pay special attention to this since the size of their vehicle is bigger and configuration is different compared to other vehicles. If, however, you find yourself in an accident, it’s important that you know what steps should be taken. After you receive medical attention, you should find yourself a lawyer that specializes in bad weather accidents. Doing this will help ensure that your case is handled in the proper manner.

2) Slow Down!

One of the most important things you should do while driving in bad weather is slow down. This may seem like common sense, but many people don’t realize how much slower they need to go when the conditions are hazardous. On wet roads, visibility drops by 30 percent. Additionally, wet roads can cause cars to skid, so you need to reduce your speed in order to have more control over your vehicle. Driving at night is especially dangerous because the lack of visibility reduces your chances of spotting hazards on the road. Also, when you’re driving in bad weather, it’s important that you leave more space between yourself and any vehicles around you. This is because it will take you longer to stop, and the car in front of you may not be able to stop as quickly. This can help prevent rear-ending another vehicle or hitting it while trying to come to a stop.

3) Winter Equipment Is A Must

While summer and winter driving have some differences, it’s important to have the right winter equipment when traveling during the winter. Having good tires is a must, as you’ll need all the traction you can get. In addition to having good tread, your tires should be properly inflated at all times. If there are any problems with your wiper blades, replace them immediately. If your windshield is foggy, clean it with an anti-fog spray. You also need to make sure that you have good headlights on your vehicle at all times. When driving at night during winter, use the low beam headlights instead of the high beams because this will help increase visibility and reduce glare, especially when there is snow on the road. Of course, you also need to make sure that your car is as warm as possible when traveling during winter. If you have a manual car, make sure that it’s filled with fluids and lightly warmed up before you leave.

4) Hydroplaning Is A Hazard

Driving through puddles is dangerous, especially if you’re driving too fast. This is because water can build up under your car and cause it to hydroplane. This means that the front of your car lifts off the ground completely, causing a loss of control over your vehicle. If this happens, immediately take your foot off the gas pedal, slow down, and gently apply the brakes. This should help your car come back down on all four tires. Another reason why driving through puddles is dangerous is because water can seep into your car’s electrical system and cause it to short out or stop working completely. Also, never drive through a flooded road as this can cause your car to stall and possibly even sink.

When driving in bad weather, it’s important to take extra precautions. This includes slowing down, leaving more space between yourself and other cars, and making sure you have the proper winter equipment. Road accidents tend to happen more often during bad weather, so by making these changes you can keep yourself safe. As well as this, it’s important to know how to deal with an accident if one occurs. Having a lawyer that specializes in bad weather accidents is vital, and you need to know what steps to take if a personal injury occurs. These four things are all you need to know about driving in bad weather properly!



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