Toddler Essentials Checklist for First Time Parents


Once your little one turns a year old, you are already entering a new phase in his or her life which is known as the toddler stage. The toddler stage spans until your child turns three years old and while you successfully managed to get past the infancy and baby stage, managing a toddler poses its challenges. To make it a bit easier for you to navigate through this phase, below is a checklist of toddler essentials that will prove to be of help, particularly for first-time parents.


One of the primary essentials that you need to revamp once your child turns from a baby to a toddler is the clothes that he or she wears. There is a great chance that by this time, they have already outgrown most of their clothes. In buying a new set of clothes for your child, consider the cute baby clothes from Kinacle which have various designs. These are not only pleasing to the eyes but these are made from quality materials too, which ensure the comfort of your little one, especially during this active stage.


  • Utensil Set. Once your baby becomes a toddler, you already need to provide a utensil set that is appropriate for their age. This will enhance their locomotor skills and help them become more independent. Choose sets that are made from high-grade materials to ensure the safety of your kid while eating.
  • Drinking Cup. Another thing that you need to get for your toddler is a sippy cup, particularly when they are already showing signs that they are ready to wean from the breast or the bottle. You can go for the ones with a spoutless design which is known to be better for little ones with growing teeth. Rest assured that most sippy cups nowadays are designed to be spill or leak-proof, paving the way for less mess during feeding times.
  • High Chair or Booster Seat. As your baby becomes a toddler, they become more interested in trying out things on their own, which is why having a high chair or a booster seat is just fitting. This will allow them to eat on their own with minimal help from you because they will be able to reach their food effortlessly. However, make sure that you choose one that is appropriate for the size of your little one, complete with safety features, to minimize the risk of any injuries caused by falling off the chair.


During the toddler stage, your child will most likely be more curious and active, entailing the need for you to opt for toys that will boost his creativity and imagination while supporting the development of his fine motor skills. Try exploring toys that can be opened or closed as well as things that move or can be stacked. You can also go for colorful toys that produce distinctive sounds to support their cognitive development as well.


  • Crib. Most of the things that you used for your child when he or she was still a baby is still appropriate as he or she transitions into the toddler stage. For instance, if you used a crib beforehand instead of co-sleeping, then you can still use the same crib for your child. However, it is best if the crib is adjustable or convertible into a kid’s bed later on.
  • Sound Machine. In addition to a crib, if you used a sound machine when your child was still a baby, then you can still use the same as your child grows and becomes a toddler. The white noise produced by most sound machines is still helpful in ensuring an uninterrupted sleep for your toddler.
  • Blanket. On the contrary, swaddling may no longer be appropriate for your toddler, but rather, a sleeping sack may do the trick to ensure that they are warm and cozy, particularly during a cold night. You can also introduce a security blanket, particularly when they show signs that they are ready to sleep on their own.

To wrap things up, by the time your little one turns into a toddler, expect him or her to be more active, such that his or her clothing, food utensils, as well as his or her toys are appropriate for his or her age. What your young one needs to sleep better may also be different from his needs when he was an infant. This is also true for his bath time, as well as when you travel. Thereby, refer to the list above and for sure, you will be able to handle this relatively swift phase of your child with ease.


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