Best Lightweight Strollers To Take To A Trip


If you’re a mom who travels a lot, you will need a stroller that is easy to operate, carry, transport, and store. If you’re on the lookout for one, you should consider lightweight strollers. Also called ‘umbrella strollers’, these are typically smaller than the standard jogging strollers, easier to fold and carry, and usually collapse in on themselves like an umbrella, so the moniker.

Top 10 Lightweight Strollers of 2018 Reviewed

Depending on your lifestyle and desired features, carefully comparing the lightweight strollers in the market will easily lead you to the best one for your baby. Here are the leading lightweight strollers on the market today.

1. Disney Umbrella Stroller with Canopy

Disney Umbrella Stroller with Canopy

This compact, easy-to-fold umbrella stroller features a 3-point harness, a canopy shield, covered handles, and back wheel locks that are easy to operate all in a cute Disney-themed stroller. It accommodates children up to 40 pounds.

2. Baby Trend Rocket Lightweight Stroller

Baby Trend Rocket Lightweight Stroller

Sturdy and fashionable – the Baby Trend Lightweight Stroller has dual-foot activated parking brake, 5-point harness, comfort-grip handle, and an organizer tray. It also comes with a large canopy and basket.

3. Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Umbrella Stroller

The Kolcraft Cloud Plus Umbrella Stroller has all the features you need for a compact, travel-friendly stroller. These include a three-tier, extended canopy, multi-position reclining seat, and easy one-hand fold.

4. Evenflo Minno Lightweight Stroller

Evenflo Minno Lightweight Stroller

Accommodates infants and children up to 45 pounds, the Evenflo Minno Stroller features one-hand, self-standing fold. It features front wheel suspension and swivel lock wheels, multi-position reclining seat, adjustable foot rest, and some luxury additions like an oversized canopy, storage baskets and cupholders.

5. Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

Built from stylish aluminum frame, the Summer Infant Lite Stroller has  anti-shock front wheels to give you better maneuvering control. Its amazing features include 5-point safety harness, lockable rear wheels, 4-position recline, adjustable/removable canopy, and extra-large storage basket.

6. Graco Breaze Click Connect Stroller

Graco Breaze Click Connect Stroller

The Graco Breaze Lightweight Stroller features a super easy one-hand fold, multi-position reclining seat, and a sturdy frame for maximum portability.

7. 2017 GB Pockit Stroller

2017 GB Pockit Stroller

Featuring a standing or ultra-compact fold and lockable front tires for better balance and stability, the 2017 GB Pockit Stroller can be pushed and maneuvered with just one hand. It’s unique two- step folding technique allows you to easily switch from pushing to carrying the stroller in seconds.

8. Maclaren Mark II Stroller

Maclaren Mark II Stroller


Featuring a reclining seat with breathable mesh center, 4-wheel suspension for easy maneuvering, and an innovative hexagonal frame for a superior structural integrity, the Maclaren Mark II Stroller is one of a kind. It also comes with a premium wind-resistant rain cover.

9. ZOE XL1 BEST v2 Lightweight Stroller

ZOE XL1 BEST v2 Lightweight Stroller

Super lightweight and compact, the ZOE XL1 BEST v2 Lightweight Stroller is well-built and comes with plenty of helpful accessories such as snack cup, cup holder, harness comfort pad, and belly bar. It features a 50% larger wheel set for a less bumpy ride even in rough terrains.

10. UPPAbaby G-LUXE Stroller

UPPAbaby G-LUXE Stroller

Built from super sturdy lightweight aluminum frame, the UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller features removable height-adjustable canopy, one-step brake, removable fabrics and seat pad, and one-hand recline. Finally, its hand-level triggers allow you to quickly fold the stroller with just your fingers!

How to Choose A Lightweight Stroller

Today’s lightweight strollers are so much better, in terms of style and features than the old models. Many of these products include storage bins, peek-a-boo windows, adjustable leg rests, reclining back pads, and even cup holders. With most of the best lightweight strollers offering similar features and benefits, it can be hard to choose one. Hopefully, the following guide will make your search easier.

Performance and Construction

You should consider the quality of materials used and its performance. The best lightweight strollers are built from either steel or aluminum frames which are both very durable, although the latter is more preferred because it’s much more lightweight. Avoid strollers made of plastic as they typically don’t last long. As to performance, choose the stroller that works well on different surfaces – wet or dry, smooth or rough. It should be able to work efficiently during long walks and its parts should not loosen or break with continuous use and storage.


Another major consideration when buying a lightweight stroller is the size. As much as possible, you want a compact, easy to fold and carry, store, and lift. If the stroller is too big then it fails to meet your ‘lightweight’ requirements. But if it’s too small for the passenger, you will not be able to use it at all. Thus, it is important to consider the height and weight of your child (plus the weight of the items you’d normally put in its storage bin) before buying one. The best lightweight strollers, while being compact and sleek, are able to accommodate certain heights through their adjustability features.

Safety Features

Look for strollers with 3 or 5-point harness design. While the belt should secure your child, it must not get in the way of comfort. Wheel suspension is also critical to ensure a smooth ride regardless of the terrain. Some lightweight strollers come with dual front wheels for a more stable ride on uneven surfaces. However, they are typically hard to maneuver and harder to steer in tight spaces. This type of strollers is great for parents who regularly encounter cobblestones, want a less bumpy ride for their baby, and spend more time outdoors in rugged terrains.

Other models feature single front wheel. As a result, these strollers are easier to maneuver in tight spaces and therefore, suitable for parents who want to jog with their babies, live in spaces with narrow pathways, and are looking for a highly maneuverable stroller. Lastly, every lightweight stroller should have some sort of braking mechanism. The best ones have brakes that are easy to use.


There are some features you would like to have in your lightweight stroller. Of course, one is the shade. Choose the stroller that has been SPF-rated. In addition, other features worth checking out are the backrest and side protection, one-hand self-standing fold, peek-a-boo windows, adjustable handlebars, machine washable seats, and storage bins. Having multiple features is a plus, but don’t get carried away just yet. Some features were added just to attract more buyers, even though the designs weren’t well-thought of. Depending on your lifestyle, choose the stroller that meets your needs and gives maximum comfort to your child.

That’s it! By now, you already know what the best lightweight strollers are made from, how they work, and what they can offer you. Using this guide, you can certainly find a lightweight stroller that will give your child an amazing ride and you, an amazing experience!