Best Infant Car Seats – Protect Your Baby During A Ride


The first and important step in keeping a child safe on the road is installing a car seat that is suitable for their height and weight and guarantees extensive security features. Car seats for infants have much more safety requirements and therefore, parents should be very particular and demanding when choosing one for their baby. We know which are the best infant car seats that you can choose from.

Top 10 Car Seats For Infants of 2018 Reviewed

Infant car seats vary in size and style. Some are designed to serve as carriers and grow with the baby. Some seats are convertible, some are not, while others combine these different types into a single seat.

Below are the leading brands for infant car seats. They are considered among the best because of their safety features, stunning designs, and other convenient features.

1. Baby Trend Flex-Loc Infant Car Seat

Baby Trend Flex-Loc Infant Car Seat

The Baby Trend Flex-Loc Car Seat is known for its wonderful safety features, which include one-hand adjustable 5-point harness with push button release, and EPS energy-absorbing foam. It is also designed to install easily.

2. Graco SnugRide Click Connect

Graco SnugRide Click Connect

This super lightweight rear-facing infant car seat is compatible with the Graco stroller. The SnugRide Seat has stay-in-car base is latch-quipped for quick installation, and five-point harness.

3. Evenflo LiteMax Infant Car Seat

Evenflo LiteMax Infant Car Seat

Evenflo LiteMax Infant Car Seat has stay-in-car convenience base for easy setup. Along with the safety features, it also comes with temperature regulating fabrics, machine-washable pad, full-coverage canopy, and removable head and body pillows to give your baby maximum comfort.

4. Britax B Safe Infant Seat

Britax B Safe Infant Seat

Britax Safe Infant Seat features an impact-absorbing base which compresses during a collision as well as an energy-stabilizing steel frame that lessen the impact. It’s compatible with any Britax stroller which makes it a compact travel system.

5. Graco Snugride 35 Infant Car Seat

Graco Snugride 35 Infant Car Seat

The one-hand, no-rethread harness and one-click technology which allows for a secure one-step attachment to any Graco stroller makes the Graco Snugride Infant Car Seat your perfect customized travel system. It also features machine-washable seat cushions.

6. Graco SnugRide Click Connect 40 Infant Car Seat

Graco SnugRide Click Connect 40 Infant Car Seat

The only car seat that accommodates newborn to two years of age, the Graco SnugRide 40 features an adjustable headrest with no re-thread harness. It perfectly fits with any Graco Click Connect Stroller too.

7. Safety 1st Onboard 35 Air 360

Safety 1st Onboard 35 Air 360

This rear-facing car seat is great for growing babies. It features a patented ‘air protect’ technology – an advanced cushioning system providing superior protection around your baby’s head. The Onboard 35 Air 360 Infant Car Seat also features GCell HX patented race car foam that absorbs impact during a crash and reinforced handle for greater stability.

8. Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat

Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat

The stay-in-car base of Chicco KeyFit 30 Infant Car Seat features spring-loaded leveling foot and two bubble level-indicators to achieve the best angle for the seat. The seat also features ergonomic head and body support which can be removed as the baby grows.

9. Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Infant Seat

Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Infant Seat

Its dual stage cushion system offers extra support for baby’s neck and bottom while its side impact protection can be adjusted to 6 different positions. The innovative shell design of Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Seat also ensures your baby’s comfort while traveling.

10. UPPAbaby MESA Infant Car Seat

UPPAbaby MESA Infant Car Seat

This infant car seat features a headrest with side impact protection, no-rethread harness, secure auto-retracting mini latch with tension indicator, and one-hand stroller release. The top-rated Mesa Carrier is even lighter.

How to Choose A Infant Car Seat

A car seat for a child is an important purchase. You have the right to be picky here. Here are few tips to help you decide if the car seat suits you and your baby.

Pick a style that suits your traveling needs

There are two basic options for infant car seats – infant carriers and convertible car seats. Baby carriers function as a car seat and at the same time, can be snapped into specific strollers. Convertible seats on the other hand, simply stay put in the car. The advantage though is they can be used later into the baby’s toddler years. If you decide to go with the carrier, make sure it’s compatible to your stroller so there’s no need to unbuckle and buckle the seat every time you will transfer the baby from the car to the stroller and vice versa.

Weight and height

This is the next most important thing. No matter how great the safety features are, if the car seat is not suitable for the age and weight of your baby, it will be useless. Do check the specification listed on the packaging. Experts recommend babies under two years should be placed in a rear-facing seat until they outgrow the seat’s height and weight limit. Forward-facing seats are for two years and up, while booster seats are for babies over 40 pounds.

Go for a five-point harness

For higher security, a five-point harness is a must. Check the straps – they shouldn’t be tricky to adjust and the buckle should be easy to latch and unlatch too. If you’re installing a rear-facing car seat, the harness shouldn’t be at or below your baby’s shoulder level.

Choose the seat with highest head support

Newborns and infants won’t be able to hold up their neck so make sure you buy a car seat with an insert to support his head. If you’re buying a separate insert, make sure it was manufactured by the same company that sells the infant car seat you’re buying. This ensures that the insert perfectly fits into the seat.

Side protection and energy-absorbing foam are a must

Other safety features you should look for are the side protection and energy-absorbing foam. These will protect him from the impact. Deep side protection act as barriers around the head, neck, and spine. Nonetheless, you want something that is soft and cozy for your baby. While you aim for safety, you also want a car seat that brings comfort to your little one while on the road.

Check if it passed safety standards

Last but definitely not the least – check if the infant car seat has met the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213. There should be clear instructions on the label to install the seat. Check if the belt path is easily accessed, and the seat belt is easily fastened and secure. Head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) website to check if the seat you’re buying has gotten 5 ratings for ease of use.

Buying an infant car seat is a must for every parent. Choosing the best car seat is easy as long as you know the features you are looking for. Again, the best child seats are those that are adequate for your baby’s height and weight, have great safety features like a five-point harness, side protection, and energy-absorbing foam, and have passed strict safety standards.