Should You Rent a Dumpster for Accumulated Yard Waste?


Let’s say you have an unusually large amount of waste or debris collecting in your yard. It’s alright; no one’s here to judge you. It’s just a fact that over time, our yards can often collect plenty of unwanted waste that just seems to sit there for years and years. You’ve finally gotten fed up and sick of it, so you need to get rid of it. The first thing you need to consider is how you’ll get rid of it.

This is a problem because even with a pickup truck, you’ll be making more trips to the city landfill than you’ll be okay with. That’s plenty of time driving, wasting gas, and costing money to dump. Not only that, but there’s likely stuff you don’t want scratching your truck, or that will even fit. Your solution is to rent a dumpster, but should you? Here are some answers if you’re wondering if it’s a good idea.

How Do You Rent a Dumpster?

The easiest part of getting a dumpster to clear the junk in your yard is the fact that renting a dumpster is incredibly easy. If you look at Bin There Dump That, you can see that the services you can find in your area should have a website and include all the relevant information to help you pick out a dumpster and get the help you need getting all your waste removed. The rental part is simple as you can pay in person or online if available, and next thing you know, you’ll have a dumpster ready to go outside your home.

Do I Need Any Special Permits?

When it comes to renting a dumpster, more often than not, you won’t need any special permits to erect one in your yard. It will depend on your state or city by-laws, but chances are you’ll be okay. However, if the dumpster is close to public property, like alleys or sidewalks, and it ends up blocking it off for the period you will need it, you’ll have to get a permit. The permit is likely less than $50, and it will allow you to use it for however long the permit states. It’s good to know just in case you do end up needing some extra space to put it on your property and it goes onto public property. 

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of renting a dumpster depends on a few things. It depends on the company, it depends on the size of the dumpster, and it depends on how long you rent it. The company may be in high demand, which means they can make upcharge for it. The size of the dumpster will also play a role, as a dumpster with more cubic yards will cost more because it can hold more waste. Renting it will also be a factor, but you will likely only need it for a short period to quickly dispose of the waste. It will usually cost you more than $150, but likely no more than $400. If you really need waste gone, then the cost shouldn’t be too much of a concern.

Are There Different Kinds of Dumpsters?

As mentioned, the biggest difference in dumpster types is the size. The smaller-sized dumpsters don’t have as much space as the big ones because they are used for different requirements. A full-scale home demolishing job or a serious renovation will likely require one of the bigger ones, like a 20 cubic yard model, whereas a smaller spring cleaning job would require a 5 or 6 cubic yard because it’s both more affordable and appropriate for the job. 

What Kind of Job Would Require a Dumpster?

Suppose you’re wondering what even requires a dumpster – plenty. As mentioned, the most common reasons for needing one include a home reno. If you’re tearing out ceramic tiling, wood, metal, glass, brick, etc., you’re going to want to have a dumpster. This waste shouldn’t sit in your yard because it’s an eyesore; it’s also a hazard. Similarly, it’ll mess up your truck if you care about the bed. Demolishing a house is a good one as well or disposing of old appliances as well.

Getting rid of that waste in your yard might seem overwhelming, but when you think about renting a dumpster, you’ll see it can be a much easier task than previously thought. Call up a local company, get a dumpster dropped off, toss your waste, and have it picked up all in short order.


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