Toys For 8 Year Olds: What To Consider Before Buying


Shopping for toys can be fun, yet confusing sometimes. There are numerous options for you to choose from nowadays, and if you get lost in this sea of possibilities, it can take hours for you to make the final decision, especially for some gift ideas for boys. As toys can also be quite expensive, it is to your advantage if you buy a toy that the recipient will really love and spend so much time playing with, rather than something they will reject immediately.

If you are looking to shop for toys for an 8-year-old, here are some factors for you to consider before buying one:

  1. Check for the quality of the toy

A toy’s quality does not always square with the price; however, sometimes, it can be good to invest in more expensive or more well-known toy brands. An 8-year-old child has so much more strength than toddlers, so buying cheaper toys might not work as 8-year-olds might easily destroy them. As much as you would like to save with your purchase, you might end up wasting money if your child immediately destroys the same while playing with it.

  1. Check for toys that can help in the development of motor skills

Because of the growth spurt that is normal with 8-year-olds, their motor skills start to develop better; hence, they are already better coordinated with their skills and muscle control. To further enhance the same, now is a good time for you to choose toys that will allow them to move more, rather than just keeping them stationary. Examples of these toys can include:

  • Bikes without training wheels
  • Rollerblades
  • Scooters
  1. Choose to buy bigger toys

Although a child is now an 8-year-old, they are not yet old enough not to lose small toys. Smaller collectibles can also be quite expensive, but next thing you know, they’ve already lost the same. It is best, therefore, to still buy them bigger-sized toys so these could be easily kept and played with. Also, always be wary of choking hazards.

  1. Choose toys that encourage socialization

As with any age, it is essential for kids to socialize. You cannot keep them alone with their toys without any form of socialization with other kids. Compared to younger toddlers, an 8-year-old can already better interact with their peers because of better speech and self-expression capabilities. You should make the most out of this by purchasing toys that encourage socialization. For example:

  • Soccer or basketball games
  • Board games such as Scrabble, Snakes & Ladders, Monopoly
  • Card games such as Uno
  • Other group games such as Jenga, and Pick Up Sticks
  • Puzzles
  1. Choose to buy toys that the recipient would really want

If you are buying for another parent’s child, ask the parent what it is that their child likes to play with or has wanted to buy from the toy store. In this manner, you can be sure that whatever you buy is something that the child is really bound to use and enjoy. For example, if they have a particular cartoon character that they are crazy about, then choose to buy toys with the same cartoon character.

In connection with this, you should also ask about what interests the child. For example, there are 8-year-olds who like cars, while others prefer airplanes. There are those who enjoy arts and crafts, while there are others who prefer good old classic building blocks.

  1. Check out books, too

With new toys arriving in toy stores almost every day, gift options are often more inclined towards toys. A lot of parents nowadays forget the importance of books. At this age, kids already have better reading capacities, wherein they will already enjoy reading books. Remember that reading once in a while is still an integral part of brain development, so it is vital that you can meet this need as well.

To make reading more fun, you can choose to buy books that feature the cartoon characters that they like.

  1. Choose toys that can foster and encourage imagination

At this age, children start to become more imaginative as well. Try to give a child blocks and ask them what they are trying to make, and you will be surprised at all the possibilities in their mind. They can make birds, dinosaurs, cars, and houses out of these square blocks. Take advantage of this imaginative stage by purchasing toys that encourage them to imagine and think more. For example:

  • Robot building kits
  • Blocks, or the classic Lego
  • Science project kits
  • Slime making kits


When choosing to buy toys for an 8-year-old, always ask yourself what it is that will spark the most interest in your child. Second, ask yourself as well what toys will expose the child to new learning and discoveries, as they start to develop and grow from the toddler or early childhood phase to primary school. This guide can help you choose toys that are bound to keep 8-year-olds busy and happy with their surprise.


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