7 Things To Prepare Before The Arrival Of Your Baby


Preparing for a new family member is a time filled with happiness but it can also be stressful, how can you be sure that you are prepared? If you are struggling to prepare for a new baby, you don’t need to have everything purchased and ready, but there are a few key items and considerations that should be settled before the arrival of your new bundle of joy. Here are 7 key items and ideas to take into consideration when planning for your new bundle of joy.

Receiving Blankets

Receiving blankets are a low-cost item that you can stock up on, so you won’t be doing laundry every day. Chances are you will go through a few of these every day. From diaper blowouts to messy eating, you will use at least 2 or 3 blankets a day for your new baby. Having a good supply on hand will reduce your stress and workload and save you from having to wash the same blankets every day. It is a good practice to always have 3 clean blankets on hand, especially if you are heading out of the house.


Having a few different bottle options on hand can be a great idea. While many people will be breastfeeding, and consider these an optional item, that is not the case. If you are breastfeeding and pumping, it can be a good idea to have bottles on hand so that your partner can take on the role of the feeder a few times a day, to let the new Mom sleep, rest, and recover from delivery.

Diapers and Wipes

While many people will stock up on diapers, don’t go too crazy. Newborn diapers are not always the best size, so buying multiple boxes can be detrimental. You don’t know a baby’s size and weight until he is born, and some babies are born too big for newborn size. So have some newborn and size one diaper on hand, but only a few. Once the baby arrives you will know what size they need and you can go ahead and stock up.

Onesies and Sleepers

Having a good stock of onesies is incredibly important. Babies are messy! Make sure that you have enough onesies on hand to go through a few clothing changes a day. From diaper leaks to burping, to messy eating, you will probably be changing baby’s clothes a few times a day, so having a good pile of clothes available will allow for stress-free changes without having to do laundry every day.

Baby Names

While having the baby name is not the be-all and end-all, it can be a good idea to have some options ready before the baby comes. There are many name options, you can check out Irish names for boys and girls and other culturally distinct and unique names. Taking some time to make a list of your favorite names can be a good way to prepare for a baby, and feel less stressed when the day finally comes!

Sleeping Arrangements

Everyone seems to have their preference, from cosleeping, to immediately having a baby in a nursery, there are so many options to think about. If you are unsure about sleeping arrangements, then it can be a good idea to set up temporary arrangements for the first few months, until you and baby get into a rhythm.

Having a bassinet or playard ready in your bedroom, that is moveable, can be a great solution, which allows you to find what works best for you as you get accustomed to having baby home.

Items for Mom

While we often think of what baby needs, it can be a good idea to focus on Mom as well. Having the right clothing, sanitary products, and comfort items available can be a great idea. Stopping at the drug store on the way home with baby can be stressful, so get your sanitary pads, breast pads, pillows, and other comfort items ahead of time. Mom is just as important as baby, so making sure the house is stocked with items to help her will make for an easier transition home with baby.

There are many more items to consider when you are preparing to bring home baby, but these items are essential and will make the transition period alot easier. Take everything step by step, prepare what you can, and enjoy and revel in the wondrous emotions of meeting your new addition. No one is ever 100% prepared, and you will find your stride as you go, so leave the stress at the door and simply revel in the joys of your newest addition!


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