How to Pick the Best Health Insurance Plan for Child?


Getting a child’s health insurance should be among the top priorities of parents. While it’s a popular belief that children are resilient and can bounce back from common illnesses and minor injuries, their immune system is still developing. 

Children are not invincible to illnesses that could threaten their health. There are plenty of diseases that children nowadays are faced with: leukemia, brain injuries, speech disorders, etc. The treatment in most cases can turn into a long lasting and tough process and the existence of the good oncologist, neurosurgeon, speech therapist may not be financially available for a lot of patients. Fortunately, health insurance can serve as a blanket of security for when they need immediate medical attention. Besides, it also covers for their routine check-up, which is important to ensure they are free from preventable ailments that could otherwise turn serious if left undiagnosed.

MODEL RELEASED. Child health record. Health visitor showing a child health record to a new mother. Child health records monitor physical and mental development allowing both parents and health professionals to track the child’s growth.

Can You Purchase Child-Only Health Insurance?

Yes, you can avail of child-only health insurance. There are several options in the market, depending on your financial status and specific needs:

  • Short-term health insurance plan

It offers temporary (up to one year) and affordable coverage. You can apply for this anytime throughout the year, and the approval can be as fast as the next day. This is ideal if you cannot afford other health coverage options. 

  • ACA-compliant major medical plan 

It is available through private and government exchanges. It offers one of the best health coverage, but it can be expensive. You can make this affordable somehow by applying for a qualified health plan QHP with a tax credit.  

  • Children’s Health Insurance Program or CHIP 

It provides low-cost health coverage for children. It is designed for children without insurance, whose families were denied Medicaid because they earn much more than the permitted annual income, but could not afford health coverage.

  • Private health insurance

They can be surprisingly available even for people in the low-income group. Private insurers earn from this by filling their risk pool with individuals who have a minimal chance of liability. If you are not qualified for an ACA subsidy but would like affordable health insurance for your child, this could be your option.

  • Child-only catastrophic insurance 

They do more than cover you in case of catastrophe. This ACA product is for young and healthy individuals. You get to pay low monthly premiums with higher out-of-pocket expenses. More often than not, however, this could still save you more money than you think. It’s best if you have a health savings account that could cover your out-of-pocket expenditures.

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

There are many options in the market when it comes to child health insurance. If you are a member of Medicaid, there is no need for you to buy healthcare through the marketplace since they are already considered covered by it as a dependent. But if you had been turned down by Medicaid due to ineligibility, you can still avail of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 

CHIP was created to provide health coverage for eligible uninsured children from low and moderate-income working families that do not qualify for Nevada Medicaid. Every state, including Nevada, works closely with its Medicaid program and they all offer CHIP coverage to children and even pregnant women.

Nevada Check Up is Nevada’s Children’s Health Insurance Program. It is available for children from 0-19 years old. In Nevada Check Up, co-payments are not necessary for any services rendered. They do charge quarterly premiums, depending on family income and size.

You can apply for CHIP any time of the year, either by calling 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) or by filling out an application form via Health Insurance Marketplace. If qualified, they will forward your information to the state agency where you reside. The state agency will contact you about your enrollment. 

Millions of children in the United States are enrolled in CHIP as their health insurance provider. Depending on state to state, CHIP provides comprehensive coverage for regular check-ups, immunizations, and dental and vision care, among others.

Find Affordable Health Insurance Quotes For Children

You can seek for affordable health insurance quotes by getting in touch with different health market agencies. They will get your information and match you with all possible insurance providers available in your area. 

The state of Nevada has an online health insurance marketplace that can help you with your queries. Alternatively, you can also try online tools to help you find the best health insurance quote for your children. Finding the best health insurance you can afford for your children may be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be so tough for you.


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